The Jadua Client is a Minecraft client dedicated to performance, experience and simplicity. We are constantly updating, improving and bug fixing our client to give the users the best minecraft experience possible.​

Our client adds many features such as the ones on the left, and improves features such as the user interface, the textures, and the authentic minecraft experience!


The Jadua Client runs on Minecraft all popular versions (1.8.9, 1.12.2, 1.16.5 etc..) and contains the following additions

- Optifine
- Minimap
- Emotes
- Fullbright
- Toggle Sprint
- HUD additions
- Worldedit CUI
- Much more


- Run the .exe file- This will now install files onto your PC
- Now run the program to check for updates

​​Universal (Mac/Linux etc...)
- Make sure you have installed the client and requirements
- Drag the downloaded file onto your desktop
- Run the .jar file
- This will now download files onto your PC
- The .jar file on your desktop will now act as a shortcut to the client- If you are running Linux, manually install java jdk8 and jdk16

View the PDF Manual


Windows (64 Bit)

Windows dependencies are all installed automatically


Please install both Java dependencies listed above

Other (.jar file)